These nine things happen to your body when you eat two eggs a day.

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9. You’re keeping your bones healthy and calcium levels up.

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Most people know that vitamin D and calcium are very important for your bones and teeth. A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information in Bethesda, Maryland has now also confirmed this.

Researchers found that calcium and proteins work together closely to maintain calcium levels and ensure that metabolic processes in your bones are kept healthy. Eggs are also rich in vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium in a more efficient way.

As you can see, eggs are in no way hazardous to your health. However, you need to make sure that you buy eggs from free-range farms because eggs from caged hens often contain drug residues.

The federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that eating an egg a day does not result in increased blood cholesterol levels, nor does it increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in healthy people. However, a healthy person can even eat two or three eggs a day without worrying about any adverse effects to their health. This excludes diabetics and people suffering from heart problems, who should limit their intake to three eggs a week.
