How to Remove Skin Tags and Warts with Hydrogen Peroxide

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Skin Tags and Warts – Which Type of Hydrogen Peroxide to Use?

Although weaker solutions can be found in virtually any drug store, to remove skin tags or warts you will need to buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. This is unlikely to be found on drug store shelves, but it can be bought online.

Note: this solution must be stored in a cool place, and in a dark container, as both heat and light can cause hydrogen peroxide to break down more quickly. For a longer product life, store in the freezer.

The higher the percentage, the more cautious you need to be. Make sure the bottle is clearly labeled and keep it away from children and pets as it can be toxic if ingested.

Caution: remember that food grade hydrogen peroxide is a 35% solution, and significantly more caustic than the 3% solution found on store shelves.

How to Remove Warts or Skin Tags With Hydrogen Peroxide

Getting rid of warts and skin tags with peroxide is amazingly simple but requires perseverance. To do so, you will need the following:

Cotton swabs

35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide

A nail file or pumice (for plantar warts)

Read the precautions below before you start.

If you are treating a plantar wart or verruca, file away the top layer of skin over the wart before using this method.

Soak the cotton end of a swab in a full-strength solution of food-grade hydrogen peroxide, then rub it onto the wart or skin tag carefully. Make sure you don’t hit any healthy, normal skin with the peroxide, as this may sting quite a bit…

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