Most Popular Tea Bags Contain Dangerous Amounts of Deadly Pesticides (Try To Avoid This Brands)

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No Name. – It involves more than 10 different pesticide types.

King Cole.- It is rich in pesticides, including monocrotophos, which is another to-be-banned pesticide, as it causes coma, involuntary defecation, and irregular heartbeats.

The findings f this research surely had reactions, from the customer of the most popular brands, as well as the tea producing companies.

James O’ Young, vice president of Uncle Lee’s Legends of China, which is among the brands that were found to be the highest in pesticides, defended it by saying that all tea brands contain pesticides:

“If you drink tea, regular tea, I don’t care it’s what brand is that, the fact of life, this agricultural product does have pesticides.”

Yet, he probably overlooked the fact that the research found a brand that does not contain pesticides, Red Rose. Therefore, this is another of the defending statements by large corporations with the goal to misguide their customers.

Yet, it is our duty to support the companies which do not produce tea with pesticides and choose their products over these ones. In this way, we can fight against the illegal and immoral policies of big companies and also prevent the severe side-effects caused by their products.
