Remove Paint from Carpet

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Remove Paint from Carpet

How to Clean Paint from a Carpet with Hydrogen Peroxide

If you prefer the natural approach to cleaning, try hydrogen peroxide. This liquid has mild oxidizing agents that work wonders at cleaning many stains, including paint.

Apply enough hydrogen peroxide to a clean cloth to get it wet but not saturated and spread it over the area. Let the stain soak for about an hour, then use the cloth to blot up softened paint.

Fold the fabric frequently while blotting to use fresh areas of the towel. If the stains persist, repeat the entire process once more.

After the stain is gone, clean the cloth under warm water and rinse the carpet to remove all residue. Pat the spot dry with a clean towel or let it air dry.

Keeping your carpeting clean is hard enough with all of the traffic it receives, and spilled paint only makes matters worse. While it seems as if the rug needs replacing, these carpet stains are easier to clean than you think using the right methods and cleaners.
