The “Skin Pinch Test” is a Quick Way to Tell If You’re Dehydrated

Flip it!

How do you check? Pinch the skin on the back of your hand upwards between two fingers. Hold it for a few seconds before releasing. If it bounces back into place, no worries. But if your skin takes its time going back to normal, you are most likely dehydrated. You can also do this on a section of your abdomen or an arm.

It should be noted that the turgor test is effective when someone is moderately to severely dehydrated, so it is possible that you may need medical intervention if you have additional symptoms.

Signs of moderate to severe dehydration include:

Dry skin, including on the lips
Sunken eyes or cheeks
Rapid heart rate
Loss of consciousness

Besides drinking water, you can restore lost fluids by drinking coconut water or a drink with minerals and electrolytes. Foods that help to rehydrate are cucumbers, watermelon, apples and grapes. On the flip side, your intake of salty foods, alcohol, and caffeine can dry you out.

If your dehydration symptoms are severe, see a medical professional for proper care. Children and the elderly can be especially susceptible to dehydration when it’s hot outside, so watch out for these warning signs and get them hydrated as soon as possible. Small amounts throughout the day work better versus large amounts at once.

If you’ve been in the heat, working out a lot, or moving around enough to overheat, it’s important to replenish your fluids continually. And if you’re concerned, don’t forget to pinch yourself!

From: tiphero