Tomato and Mayo Sandwich

Flip it!

Here’s some of what people said:

“Garden tomatoes with mayo and salt and pepper on fresh Syrian bread.”

“In the summer: iceberg lettuce, sliced tomato, salt and pepper, on white bread with mayonnaise.”

“Nothing says summer in New England like vine-ripened tomatoes with mayo on white.”

“My mom made us tomato or tomato-lettuce sandwiches whenever tomatoes were in season.”

“Oh my. A good-thick-sliced-tomato-from-your-garden sandwich. That really is all-American.”


1 Large Beefsteak Tomato Ripe
4 Slices White Bread
Mayonnaise to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste


Slice tomatoes into chunky slices. Each tomato should yield 2 to 3 slices, with ends removed. Season liberally with salt and pepper.

Spread mayonnaise on each slice of bread. Add a tomato slice to bread, and top with an additional slice of bread. You get the gist. I’m sure you know how to make a sandwich.
