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Food Storage and Shelf Life Charts From Months To 25+ Years

Beat Rising Food Costs: Shop Now for Long Shelf Life Foods

With food prices on the rise, it’s a smart move to stock up on foods with long shelf lives. This list ranks such foods, from those that can last decades to those that remain fresh for a few weeks.

Why Stockpile Food?

Natural and man-made disasters can disrupt supply chains and access to stores. Whether it’s a flood, earthquake, pandemic, or job loss, having a stockpile of long-lasting food can be a lifesaver. Additionally, bulk buying during sales can save money and provide a buffer against inflation.

Determining Shelf Life

Supermarket foods come with expiration dates indicating when they might start to degrade. However, many can be consumed safely past these dates. Fresh foods are more variable; for instance, hot onions store longer than sweet ones. Growing and storage conditions also affect longevity, so experiment to find what works best for you.

Stock What You Eat

Only stockpile foods you enjoy eating. Test different foods before buying in bulk to avoid wasting money on something unpalatable. For instance, you might prefer black beans over pinto beans.

Dry Goods

Dry goods like salt, sugar, grains, flour, rice, and dried beans can be stored at room temperature. Historically, these staples were stored in bulk for long periods.

Best Storage Practices

  1. Cool Place: Keep foods in a cool environment.
  2. Dry Place: Most dry goods should be stored in low-humidity conditions.
  3. Moist Place: Some fresh foods require specific humidity levels for longer storage.
  4. Dark Place: Keep foods out of direct sunlight to avoid heat and bleaching.
  5. Low Fat Content: Foods with lower fat content last longer as fats can go rancid.
  6. Reduce Oxygen: Use airtight containers with oxygen absorbers to prevent spoilage and preserve freshness.

Foods with the Longest Shelf Life

Store these foods in cool, dry conditions, out of sunlight, in airtight containers.

Foods Lasting 25 to 30+ Years

For maximum shelf life, use Mylar, glass, or durable airtight containers with oxygen absorbers and vacuum sealing.

Foods Lasting 5 to 25 Years

Foods Lasting 2 to 5 Years

Foods with 1 to 2 Years Shelf Life

Foods Lasting 3 to 9 Months

Fresh Foods Lasting a Few Weeks to 3 Months

By carefully selecting and storing a variety of long shelf life foods, you can save money and ensure you’re prepared for any emergency.

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