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LOOK: 23 Useful Ways To Use A Kitchen Sponge

Useful Ways To Use A Kitchen Sponge

The lowly kitchen sponge can play several important roles around the house. Here’s how to use a sponge for more than just doing dishes.

Sponges are one of the most useful cleaning tools around the house. Whether you’re scraping food from a dinner plate or mold clinging to a porcelain tub, they get the job done! Yet, for all their uses, no one’s hopping out of bed to see the Sponge Expo down at the convention center…right?

But hold on one second! With just a little bit of creativity, you can take that cleaning tool made of wood pulp and hemp fiber and put it to use in non-conventional ways. Yep, these 23 kitchen sponge hacks are upping the value to your favorite cleaning tool.

1. Get crafting with the kids & make some easy sponge art

Easy Life sponge sponge bob
Via Expert Home Tips

Do you and your little ones love to paint? Try something new by using sponges instead of paintbrushes.

Not only are they easy to cut into a variety of shapes, but as they soak up excess liquid, there’s less chance of splatterings and spillages. The kids will be pleased, and you will too.

If you’re looking for more inventive ways to entertain the kids, Colleen’s 17 super fun ways to keep the kids busy should help inspire you!


2. Sponges are great for sprouting seeds

Via Flickr

Have you always liked the idea of growing your own herbs? Well with the help of a sponge, it’s easier than you might imagine.

Pull out an old plate, and place a damp sponge in the center. Pop your seeds on top, being careful to leave them enough space in between one another to grow. Then position a glass bowl over the top, and place on a windowsill or other surface that gets a lot of light.

This will create a ‘greenhouse’ environment for your seeds, giving them everything they need to grow into healthy and strong herb plants.


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3. Avoid calluses by using sponges to pad your grip


Calluses are not only unsightly, but they can also be pretty painful.

Avoid the build-up of rough skin by attaching a kitchen sponge to the handle of the object you’re using with an elastic band.


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4. Help protect valuables with sponge padding

Via Flickr

A great substitute for bubble wrap!
We’ve all used bubble wrap and tissue paper, but have you ever considered using your sponges to pad out your valuables when packing?

Their bouncy, cushioning texture make them highly effective for this purpose, and they’ll keep all objects, however delicate, perfectly intact.

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5. Dry the inside of a vase without breaking the glass

Small, delicate vases can look so pretty, but they’re not always easy to clean out and dry.

Make things easier by attaching a sponge to a chopstick, and pushing it into the smaller space.


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6. Don’t waste any soap

Via Flickr

Does your bar of soap seem to run out super quickly? Or perhaps you find it unusable when it becomes too small? Try this great hack to make your soap last longer than ever:

Cut the center out of your sponge, and place the soap inside. It will soak up any soapy residue, and also mean you’re able to continue to reap the benefits of your bar of soap, no matter how small it gets.

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7. Use your sponge to get your fridge smelling lovely & fresh

Via The Kitchn

If your fridge lets out a waft of really unpleasant odors every time you open the door, a kitchen sponge may help to stop it.

Sprinkle a damp sponge with bicarbonate of soda and place in your fridge away from direct contact with food, and it will absorb the offending odors.

If you’d like more tips on how to keep your fridge in good order, Anushka has 17 hacks to keep your fridge exceptionally clean and organized that you can read right now.

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8. Protect your woodwork with sponge stickers

Don’t let your lovely glass and wooden surfaces get all scratched up.

Use your sponge to protect them by cutting out small squares and sticking them to the underside of decorative objects such as vases and bowls.

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9. A sponge is useful for loosening wallpaper

If you’re looking to redecorate, make things easier by soaking your sponge in a diluted solution of fabric softener and hot water.

Squeeze out the excess water, then wipe over your walls to break down the adhesive and make the wallpaper easier to remove.

Try making your own by rolling your sponge into a small, clean glass jar, then pouring on some nail varnish remover, little by little. Be sure to leave the lid on when not in use to keep the sponge moist.


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10. Use a kitchen sponge as a no-drip ice-pack

Often, the best thing for a nasty bump is to apply an ice-pack.

Ice cubes in tea towels aren’t practical, as they fall everywhere and don’t lie flat onto the skin. The solution? A sponge!

Soak a sponge in water, pop into a sealed plastic bag, and freeze for when accidents occur.

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11. Give your plants the perfect amount of water

Finally, a fuss-free herb garden.
Unless you’re a pro-gardener, it can often be difficult to know how much water your plants need.

A great trick is to cut a sponge the size of the base of your plant pot and place it at the bottom. It will soak up any excess liquid, so your plant’s roots will stay moist, but won’t be left drowning in a puddle of water.

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12. A pedicure is so much easier with a sponge

Pampering and kitchen sponges may not traditionally be two things that go hand in hand, but once you’ve tried this, you won’t ever do a pedicure without a sponge as well.

A sponge is not only flexible enough to bend in between toes, keeping them the perfect distance apart while you put on your polish, but it’s also really comfortable.

Now you’ll never have to struggle with toenails getting smudged again.

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13. Use your sponge to get your knitwear looking as good as new

Light, circular motions should work to lift pilling.
It’s so frustrating when your favorite jumper starts to bobble.

A quick – and surprising – fix for this is to use the rough side of your sponge in light, circular motions over the surface. It will lift pilling and leave your jumper looking as good as new again.

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14. Make gardening & household tasks less tasking

Weeding and scrubbing floors can be hard work anyway, without the extra strain of sore knees.

You can use sponges to pad your knees whilst doing such tasks to improve comfort. If you find them slipping from underneath you, use a loose headband to keep them in place.

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15. Lift pesky pet hair

Our pets – we love them. The hair that they leave everywhere? Well, that’s a different story.

If you’re sick of the sight of hairy furniture, use a dry sponge to wipe over the offending surfaces. The holey texture will pick up hair in a jiffy and leave your place looking spick and span.


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16. Keep your plants nice and clean

Your plants need cleaning every now and then too.
Indoor plants are a great way of bringing the outdoors inside, but they can be tricky to keep clean.

Keep yours healthy and looking great by wiping them over with a damp sponge every month or so – they’ll thank you for it!

You can also use a hairdryer to clean plants. Find out how in Colleen’s 21 uses for a hair dryer that will blow your mind.

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17. Use your sponge to keep veg crunchy for longer

Convincing yourself to eat ‘five a day’ is often hard enough, without the added issue of floppy vegetables.

An easy way to keep your veg crisp and appetizing for longer is to pop a dry sponge into the drawer. It will soak up any excess moisture and keep everything nice and crunchy.

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18. Bulk out shoes that are too big

Hand me downs are a great way of getting your money’s worth and reducing waste. Whilst an over-sized t-shirt isn’t exactly the be all and end all, shoes that are too big are a different story.

If your child doesn’t quite fit into their older sibling’s shoes yet, you can push a sponge into the toe to make them fit nice and snug.

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19. Wet your thank you notes

Keep your tongue where it belongs!
Does the thought of licking envelopes turn your stomach?

If you have a load of invites, thankyous or christening cards to send off and don’t want your tongue to be as dry as the Sahara by the end of it, your sponge could be the answer.

Use a damp sponge to wet the sticky seal just as you would with your tongue, then stick into place – sorted!

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20. Use your sponge to shine up your shoes

No spare clothes for applying shoe polish?

Another great way to apply it is with a dry sponge. The polish will go on super smoothly and evenly thanks to the spongy texture.

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21. Mop up umbrella puddles

Are you sick of seeing puddles by the umbrella stand?

A subtle way of preventing this is to place several sponges at the bottom. They’ll soak up any drips and your guests will be none the wiser – handy!

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22. Colorful & quiet building blocks for the kids

Colorful & quiet – what more could you want?
Wooden blocks make a right old racket, don’t they?

Give your children something pretty on the eye and easy on the ears to play with: cut a selection of different colored sponges into strips and they’ll be able to use them as building blocks for creating all sorts of masterpieces.

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23. Use your sponge to create a nifty nail varnish jar

Via One Good Thing

Now that really is an Expert Tip!
Have you ever tried a nail polish remover pot? They’re really handy, and remove the need for buying endless cotton wool pads.



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