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In youth we run into difficulties, In old age difficulties run into us. So take care of us.

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The most important part of caring for the elderly is to love them and keep them active. There are many different ways to care for the elderly, whether by caring for them in the comfort of their own homes, bringing them to your home or moving them to a senior center. With time and a little hard work, you can properly care for your loved one by following a few steps.

Respect the elderly person.

Always be respectful to the elderly. Even though they have aged and may be losing their health, they are still people with emotions and ideas. Don’t judge them by their physical condition. Aging is simply a part of the natural cycle.

Help your loved one to cope with the loss of independence.

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Encourage them to maintain friendships, stay active, develop new interests and keep in touch with other family members. Explain that the loss of independence is not a personal failing and rather just part of the natural cycle of life.

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Encourage them to volunteer.

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A recent study found that elderly people who volunteer are happier and healthier. This is especially true for elderly people who have chronic conditions. The feelings of being valued and needed as a volunteer can greatly improve the mental well-being and thus the health of your loved one.

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Visit frequently.

Visiting will provide an emotional connection and improve the mental well being of your loved one. Visiting will also allow you as the caregiver to check up on their health and well-being. You can see whether they have been watering the plants, opened their mail or show any bruises, all of which may signify that they need additional assistance. Get friends and family members to help.

Bring some of their personal belongings with them.

If they are moving to a senior center or into your home, bring some of their physical home with them. This will make them feel more comfortable and at home in their new surroundings and help them to cope with the big changes taking place for them.

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Find areas of mutual interest.

Some younger people may mistakenly think they cannot connect with elderly people, but remember that they might also feel they cannot connect with you are your interests. Try to open your mind and find out what gives them joy. If you can’t share their interest at least you can share their excitement. You might enjoy playing a card game such as a bridge with them

Try to keep things as unchanged as possible.

Many elderly people are uncomfortable and nervous about change, especially when they are moving out of their home. Try to keep everything as stable as possible. For example, you might bring their pet in with you if bringing your loved one home or bring their pet to the senior center with them if it is permitted.

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Make them feel welcome and at home.

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Try to get them to participate in the activities of the senior center or include them in activities in your home. Encourage them to be active participants in their environment.
This can help them to feel happier, especially if they suffer from depression.
You can even surprise them with gifts from time-to-time or hold parties for them as a way of keeping them involved.

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Listen to their stories.

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You may find them interesting and they can even help you navigate issues or situations in your own life. The elderly have a lifetime’s worth of experiences to offer, you can learn and improve your own life by listening and engaging with them. Find the beauty in their stories and learn from them.
This will also deepen the connection between you and can help them feel more connected to the world around them.

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Plan Ahead.

Planning ahead can help solve some of the issues before the situation becomes a last-minute emergency. Use technology, make the home safe for elderly people and anticipate the expenses of providing care in advance. This includes having an emergency plan in place, posting emergency phone numbers, and preparing a home first aid kit…

Keep your loved one active.

It is recommended that elderly people do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (running, swimming…) five times per week. This can help protect older people from disease and reduce their functional age by 10 or 15 years. It can even result in big health benefits for those who have been sedentary for many years and keep them away from disease for longer.

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Keep an eye on their physical and mental health

Mental health is often overlooked but is an important part of caring for an elderly person. Keep an eye out for signs of depression such as lack of interest, listlessness or deep feelings of sadness or anger.

Speak to your loved one’s pharmacist.

The elderly may be prescribed different drugs by different doctors and only the pharmacist will know all the medications your loved one is taking. Make friends with them and speak to them regarding possible side effects and interactions.

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Get help with driving.

The idea of stopping driving can cause a lot of anger and resentment for an elderly person. Remember that being able to drive is an important component of maintaining independence and it can be difficult to accept that they are no longer fit.

Discuss finances.

Speak to your loved one regarding their finances and possible insurance plans for long-term care.
Get a credit report check once a year to make sure no one has stolen his or her identity.

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Find shared meals or make food for them.

Sometimes senior centers will organize dinners, which can include transportation, and these are a great way for your loved one to meet with others and share a meal and these shared meals can make eating more enjoyable.
Delivery services can also help elderly who experience difficulty in preparing their own food.

Consider a home caregiver to help the elderly person.

This will solve the physical difficulties of caring for your loved one. A home caregiver can help the person accomplish whatever they need and take a lot of the burden off of the family members. They can also help the elderly person maintain some independence by keeping them in their homes.

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Consider caring for your loved one in your home.

Caring for your loved one at home can help them to feel better and maintain strong family relationships while allowing you to spend time with them and monitor their health. Home care will require a large investment of time and energy, however, physical as well as emotional.

Ease your own burdens, too.

Caring for an elderly loved one puts lots of financial, emotional, and mental stress on caregivers. Think about how to give yourself a break, from time to time, in terms of time and energy but also finances.

References: Wikihow

Images Via Flickr / Freepik

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