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Easy Recipes

Wrap Your Feet In Aluminum Foil And Wait For An Hour. The Reason Why Will Shock You!

Most homes have aluminum foil in the kitchen cupboards. It has several uses around the kitchen, from covering odd shaped pots on the stovetop to wrapping up food while baking in the oven or on the grill. But did you know aluminum foil can help with muscle and joint pain, as well as healing surgical scars? That’s right! Keep reading to find out the five amazing ways to use aluminum foil for your health!

Fight Effects of Fatigue

Believe it or not, you can use strategically placed aluminum foil strips to fight off the aftermath of staying up all night. Start by cutting strips of aluminum foil and placing them in the freezer. Let them sit in the freezer for at least 2 hours (you’ll probably want to store a few in the freezer so you won’t have to wait 2 hours for this trick to work). Then, apply the strips to your cheeks, forehead, and eyelids. Keep the strips in place until you feel your muscles start to relax. Once you remove the strips, you’ll see the bags under your eyes will be gone, and color will return to your face!

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Relieve Joint and Nerve Pain

Aluminum foil can help with joint and nerve pain as well. If you suffer from a sciatic nerve, back pain, or gout, an aluminum foil treatment might be just what you need for sweet relief! Simply wrap the affected area in foil and secure in place with medical tape or a wrap. Leave in place overnight, or at least 6-8 hours. Repeat for 10 days, and then give your body a break for two weeks. If pain persists, repeat the treatment again. Russian and Chinese healers have long used aluminum to cure pain, as it helps reset the body and redirect energy flow.

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Heal Burns

Elements found in aluminum have a particularly powerful way of soothing and healing the skin after a burn. In fact, doctors at the University of Wisconsin are advised to dress burn victims in a layer of aluminum foil. To achieve instant relief after a burn, wash out the area with cold water and dry with a soft cloth. Then, apply ointment and a thin layer of gauze. Finally, dress the wound with aluminum foil and secure in place with a medical wrap. Leave in place until you feel pain leaving the area!

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Treat Phantom Pain

The phenomenon known as phantom limb or phantom pain is when someone has lost a limb to amputation, and yet they still feel pain in the missing limb. This is quite common for people who have lost a limb, and most commonly occurs within the first 6 months of the amputation. Experts have several theories as to why people experience phantom pain. One theory states that the brain and nerves are re-wiring, and somewhere along the way the wires got crossed. As we’ve already discussed with joint and nerve pain, aluminum has long been used to cure pain by redirecting and resetting energy in the body. It makes sense then, that your body needs to be “reset” when you lose a limb. To cure phantom pain, simply wrap aluminum foil around the end of the limb, and leave in place until the pain subsides.

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Heal From Cold And Flu

Yes, you can speed up the healing process when you get sick from a cold or the flu. The process is quite simple, but it does require quite a bit of aluminum foil. Start by wrapping your feet in 5-7 layers of foil. Leave it on for an hour. Give your feet a 2-hour break, and then wrap another 5-7 layers around your feet for an hour. Give your feet a 2-hour break, and repeat the process one more time. You’ll be feeling better in no time! Don’t believe it? Try it out! What do you have to lose?


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