43 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia – Anyone With Muscle Pain Should Read This

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Allergy and Sinus Issues

Ringing ears
Thick mucus
Itchy ears and earaches
Runny nose and post nasal drip
Allergies, sensitivity to molds and yeasts
Shortness of breath

Stomach and Digestion Problems

Bloating, nausea, abdominal cramps, and pelvic pain
Frequent urination (always need to pee, get up every night, often more than once)

Sensory Problems and Sensitivity

Sensitive to smells, light, noise, temperature, pressure, and climate changes.
Difficulty with night driving and seeing in low lighting

Cognitive Difficulties

Poor coordination and balance
Directional difficulties and recognizing familiar surroundings
Zone out often, difficulty with concentration, short term memory, and differentiating between certain shades of color.
Burning or tingling in the upper limbs
Language impairments and difficulty speaking familiar words

Reproductive Problems

Loss of libido
PMS and other menstrual problems

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