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Mini Mini Peach Cobbler

TOP Reviews:

Yum! I decided to make this in a single tin instead of muffin tins (thanks to the previous disappointed reviewers)… I baked it for the suggested 12 minutes, but it’s not nearly enough time for the larger size tin. 25 minutes seems perfect. The batter is SO GOOD! I decided to replace some of the milk with cream cheese. I like making things my own a bit.

I tried them and they were delicious. I made mine in the tinfoil cupcake liners so the mess was not a problem. They came out of the liners easily BUT they must be completely cooled for that to work. Ate one warm and the peaches/cobbler wanted to stay in the liner. No big deal… spoon worked wonders. Lol.

just pulled these out of the oven and they smell delicious.

i used what i know to be ‘regular’ size muffin tin and this made a dozen, however, it was an impossible stretch to put 2 tbsp of batter in each tin so i wonder if i should have made only eight.

i added allspice to my dry mix before adding milk, as well as a little cinnamon and ginger. this is my standard for cobbler, i love the extra spice.

i wish i had read the comments before baking, though, because i am hoping to take these with me to a friend’s house in just a bit and i hadn’t considered the possibility of a big crumbled mess. fingers crossed and i’m going to let them cool as long as i can before removing.

I REALLY wanted to try these. I made them tonight and they taste is good, but they look horrible and did not come out of the muffin tins in one piece. I made them to take somewhere, but will not take them. Glad I made a back up dish to take. I might try them again, not sure. I think one of the main issues is the recipe doesn’t reference the quantity of muffins. Also….a pinch of salt might mean one thing to one person and an entirely different measurement to someone else. Just beware. I’m thinking this recipe could possibly make 16 muffins. Note: I am not a novice cook.

Ingredients :

1 c flour
1 c sugar
To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes,Go to the next page.

Ingredients :

1 c flour
1 c sugar
2 tsp baking powder
3/4 c milk
1 stick butter, melted
1 can(s) diced peaches
dash of salt
brown sugar

How to Make Mini Peach Cobbler Recipe :

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Put 1 tsp of melted butter into each regular size muffin tin.

Combine the first 5 ingredients by hand… sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and milk.

Put 2 tbsp of batter into each regular size muffin tin… on top of the melted butter.

Then put 1 tbsp diced peaches on top of the batter.

Sprinkle with brown sugar and then cinnamon. Do a pretty generous “sprinkle”.

Bake the regular size muffin tins for 12 minutes.

Let them cool almost completely before taking out of pan.

Don’t forget a dollop of vanilla ice cream…YUM!

From: just a pinch

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