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5 Tips To Help You Pick Out The Perfect Watermelon At The Grocery Store

It won’t officially be summer until you’ve had your first watermelon of the season. Chances are, though, that it’s been about a year since you’ve bought your last watermelon. Do you remember how to pick out a good one?

Here’s what you need to look for in order to spot the perfect picnic-worthy specimen.

There’s just nothing quite like biting into a fresh, juicy watermelon after a long day in the summer sun. Watermelons are one of our favorite fruits to eat during the summer, partially because they taste so good, and partially because they are just so refreshing! However, sometimes we pick a dud from the store that doesn’t have much flavor or is dry. Keep reading to find out some tips for picking the best melon every time!

Find the Field Spot

For starters, take a look at the white spots on the watermelon from when it was sitting on the ground back at the farm. The best watermelons come with a spot that has a creamy yellow hue or an orange/yellow coloration. A lot of people opt for the cleanest watermelon, but that’s a mistake! Go for the creamy yellow spot and you’ll be well on your way to a delicious watermelon.

Knock on It with Your Knuckles

Your knuckles should bounce off the melon, and the surface should be pretty hard/firm. You will get a dull thud if the flesh is soft, which indicates it’s starting to spoil.

Look for the Sugar Spots and Pollination Points

Have you ever noticed the brown webs that criss-cross a watermelon in certain places?

This tells you a lot about the pollination process – the more webs that you see on the watermelon, the more bees that have visited the melon. When a watermelon has numerous brown webs, this is a sign that lots and lots of bees have visited and the melon should be super sweet.

Check for a Uniform Shape

There are male and female watermelons. The males are typically taller, while the female watermelons are short and round. The female watermelons are sweeter, while the male watermelons are juicier. This is a great tip to make sure you’re getting the right kind of watermelon!

Get the Heaviest One for Its Size

Another common mistake a lot of people make is to go for the biggest watermelon. However, bigger isn’t always better when it comes to the perfect melon! Lastly, avoid watermelons that have green tails. This means that the melon was picked too early. Instead, look for melons with dry tails or no tails. This indicates that the melon was given time to fully rippen before being picked.

From: 15spatulas

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