The Dangers of the New Juuling Craze in Schools

Flip it!

Because the Juul is as small and compact as it is, the vaporizers can be conveniently charged on a laptop or other USB port, so students don’t even have to hide anything from unassuming professors or parents, who may just think it’s a flash drive. The actual device is commonly mistaken for a sharpie or a pen.

And that’s why there are so many adolescents juuling at school, most commonly in the bathrooms. School administrators are starting to crack down, banning the devices from school grounds and letting parents know the negative effects Juuls can have on students.

Are Juuls really so bad?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Most people smoke e-cigarettes because they tend to be safer than cigarettes. But one Juul pod, on the other hand, contains the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes (or about 200 puffs), according to the company website. That’s way more than other e-cigarette products—even more than double some. The reason people like it so much is because it gives you a quick, strong buzz.

Juuls are 21+ for a reason—they’re really not intended for students at all. In fact, they were created to offer current adult smokers an alternative to the original cigarette. Nicotine is especially harmful when it comes to teens and young adults.

Why nicotine is harmful for teens

Using products with nicotine while your brain is still developing and forming is concerning and can be harmful, according to the surgeon general
Being a gateway drug, nicotine exposure during adolescence can be addicting and lead to the use of traditional cigarettes and marijuana
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found many cancer-causing chemicals in vaping products
There is some good news: The Juul company has said that they strongly condemn the use of Juuls by minors, and that they’re working on a more strict protocol to eliminate minors from purchasing the product from their website.

Also, more and more schools and parents are starting to crack down as they learn more about Juuls. If you’re a parent or school administrator, please be sure to educate yourself on what to look for when students are juuling.
