Try These 15 Stretches To Relieve A Stiff Neck, Tight Shoulders And Upper Back Pain!

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6. Reverse Prayer Pose

This pose is excellent for the upper back. It opens up the chest and it is particularly helpful for people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain.

It loosens tight shoulder muscles and relaxes your shoulder blades, thus reducing neck and shoulder pain.

Begin in a standing or seated position, spine long. Breathe in and on your exhale, you should bring the arms behind you, fingers pointing in a direction of the floor, palms lightly together.

Breathe in and rotate the arms so that the fingers point towards you, then to the ceiling. Breathe out, and press your pinkie fingers into the back while pressing the palms together. Hold for 5-6 breaths. Repeat 3-4 times.

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