Utterly Deadly Southern Pecan Pie

Flip it!

I agree with you. This was an awesome recipe. People, read your recipes carefully and watch your oven. We have lease gas which burns hotter. Must use oven thermometer. Increase the bourbon? Hmm, might have to try that!!!!!!
I do not understand the negative reviews! I have made this recipe 2 times and both times the pies turned out amazing. It is so much better than the corn syrup pies. And…to ncreader …do NOT cook with salted butter…ever! And..I always use an oven thermometer and closely watch the time and the oven temp. The only change I made to the recipe (the second time) was increasing the bourbon to 1 Tablespoon.

This is the BEST pecan pie ever! I am truly shocked by some of the negative reviews. I followed the recipe exactly – but left it in the oven overnight. It was a beautiful pie and it disappeared completely by Thanksgiving evening and received rave reviews from our family and guests. I shared this recipe with my daughter who had the same excellent result. I prefer the praline-like result versus the gooey syrup like density of most pecan pies. This will be our traditional pecan pie going forward.


1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups corn syrup (I use 1/2 dark and 1/2 light)
4 eggs
1/4 cup butter
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 cups pecans, coarsely broken
1 unbaked deep dish pie shell


In saucepan boil sugar and corn syrup together for 2 to 3 minutes; set aside to cool slightly.
In large bowl beat eggs lightly and very slowly pour the syrup mixture into the eggs, stirring constantly.
At this point I like to strain the mixture to make sure it’s smooth and lump free.
Stir in butter, vanilla, and pecans and pour into crust.
Bake in a 350°F oven for about 45 to 60 minutes or until set.


source :chefs-collaborative.blogspot.com