Exterminator Reveals Cheap Secret: Never see ants in your home again

Flip it!

3. Borax

The trick of this recipe is not to repel but to attract ants so that they’ll want to take the food back to their nest and share it. The borax that hides in the food will ultimately kill all of them.

What you’ll need:

2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon borax
1 teaspoon water
Plastic container with lid
Sharp object to poke holes

What to do:

Mix all ingredients in the container
Seal with lid and poke a few holes through the lid and the sides of the container so only ants can get in and out
Watch the video for more information and tricks on how to get rid of ants in your home and your yard.

If you see that ants and other pests are getting out of control and you can’t manage on your own, it might be better to consult a professional. Getting help when your pest problem persists might save you more money and peace of mind in the long run.

From: Houshold Hacker