Here Are 4 Things That Happen When You Sleep in a Cold Room

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A More Youthful Look

When the room you sleep in is too warm, your body will reduce its production of the hormone melatonin. One of the things melatonin does is slow the effects of aging. So, keep the temperature down, and your body will keep producing melatonin — and you’ll look young and refreshed each morning!

Weight Loss

When your temperature drops at night, your body reduces its production of another hormone, cortisol. Unlike the drop in melatonin production, you want this to happen. That’s because cortisol is known as the “stress” hormone, and having too much of it is connected to weight gain.

Cool temperatures also help your body make “brown fat.” Normal “white fat” stores energy, and an excess of it can cause obesity, diabetes, and other problems. Brown fat, however, actually burns energy to keep your body warm when the temperature drops. Keep the thermostat low, and you’ll stimulate your body to produce brown fat, which ultimately can help your weight stay down.

Lower Risk of Diabetes

Besides increasing brown fat, lower temperatures during your sleep cycles also help your body regulate its insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that controls your blood sugar, and keeping it from spiking or dipping too low means a reduced risk of diabetes.
