How to Relieve Sciatica Pain in All-Natural Way

Flip it!

Auto back massage:

Stand with your back to the wall and place the ball between the wall and the upper right shoulder or try to locate it near where you feel pain.
Perform circular movements of the body in such a way that you receive the massage of the ball.
Massage to stretch neck and chest:

Stand with your hands back in the back and raise your head slowly to stretch the neck. Simultaneously, keep your stomach rigid and your back straight.
Try to hold this position for 30 seconds.

Relax the sciatic nerve:

Lie on the floor and place the tennis ball under your back in the area where you feel the pain.
Make circular movements of the body in such a way that the ball does the massage in the zone.
Massage for 10 seconds, rest and repeat.

Source: Home Remedies Garden