Mini Caramel Apples Recipe

Flip it!

When I was searching for a recipe to make homemade caramel apples for the very first time, a close friend gave me this amazing and fairly easy recipe. My family and friends loved these delicious treats! Sprinkle with nuts or whatever you desire while the caramel is still warm (work quickly, the caramel sets VERY fast).


6 large granny smith apples
4 tablespoons lemon juice
pretzel sticks
Caramel Dip


Fill a large bowl with cold water and add lemon juice.
Wash & dry apples. Using a melon baller, scoop round balls of apples and place in the lemon water.
Once all of your apples have been prepared, remove from lemon water and dab dry with a paper towel.
Using a chopstick or other similar object, create a small hole in the top of each apple ball. Insert a small pretzel stick into each hole.
Serve immediately with Caramel Dip.
