10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors in Water All Year Long

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Herbs often have medicinal, relaxation, and culinary properties, and it is great if we can have them throughout the entire year in the home.

In fact, we can! We will reveal a way to grow certain herbs in the kitchen and provide a pleasant flavor in it. What best about it all is that you do not need to water them regularly, nor change the soil, and they will be still as flavorsome as if grown in the garden.

Yet, you will need to sow dill, mustard and cilantro seeds in a soil and then transfer them to water, as a soil herb cannot be transferred to water as the roots are different from the water roots.

This is how to grow herbs in water:

Put some herb cuttings in glass bottles with plain water, and it is best to use spring water if possible, as it is high in minerals. You should not use chlorinated water, as the bleaching chemical can damage the plant tissues. You should leave some tap water to air overnight or store some rainwater.

Choose a glass bottle, a mason jar, or even a plastic bottle for the herbs. Yet, use colored bottles or warp a piece of paper around the bottle as the roots should not be exposed light.

The darkness will help you avoid algal growth on the bottle and on the root. The narrow-mouthed containers support the cuttings and keep them upright.

Yet, avoid narrow or tight-fitting ones as the mouth of the container should support a free transition of air for the roots to be able to breathe.

You should pick soft cuttings roots, and cut some 6-inch sections from the growing herbs. Put them in the containers and remove the lower leaves as they can rot in the water and spoils it.

You can change the water once a week in the case of herbs like rosemary cuttings. As soon as the roots start growing, within 2-6 weeks, you do not need to change the water.

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