New Study Confirms Putting Kids To Bed Earlier Is Better For Mom’s Mental Health

Flip it!

In addition to happy mommies, there are some real benefits to children as well. A U.S. study suggests that children who go to bed earlier also sleep longer. And kids need a lot of sleep. Just look at this chart from the National Sleep Foundation:

National Sleep Foundation

And here’s another handy chart I’ve used that outlines when to put your kids to bed based on their wake-up time:

Helpful information!

Posted by Wilson Elementary on Friday, August 28, 2015

What Can We Do To Get Our Kids To Bed Earlier?

First of all, researchers say we need to limit before-bed screen time. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the blue light emitted from screens can delay the release of sleep-inducing melatonin, increase alertness and reset the body’s internal clock to a later schedule. Yikes!

To be safe, they recommend a digital curfew that would limit the use of TV, tablets, phones and computers one to two hours before bedtime.

The National Sleep Foundation also recommends a consistent bedtime routine. In our house, this includes a soothing bath and a good book. But whatever you choose to incorporate into your bedtime routine, know that a regular routine can set you and your child up for success.
