Potato Rolls

Flip it!


For dough:
2 cups of warm milk (400 ml.),
1 cup of vegetable oil (200 ml.),
1 cup of yogurt,
2 egg whites (the egg yolks for the top),
1 coffee spoon of granulated sugar,
2 coffee spoons of salt,
1 coffee spoon of baking powder,
1 packet of instant yeast (10 grams),
7 1/2 or 8 cups of all purpose flour (the cup is 200 ml.).

For filling:
4-5 potatoes,
2 onions,
A pinch of parsley,
4 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
1 coffee spoon of paste,
Red pepper flakes.

For top:
2 egg yolks,
Sesame seeds.


Firstly, mix all the ingredients except for the flour and the yeast in a deep bowl.
Add the yeast and add the flour slowly and knead well.
Get a soft and lightly sticky dough.
Cover the dough firstly with a plastic wrap and then a clean cloth.
Then leave it to rise for an hour.

To prepare the filling, peel the potatoes and cut them in big size pieces and boil the potato pieces in the water with a little amount of salt until they get tender.
When the potatoes get tender, drain the water and mash the potatoes by using a fork.
Chop the onions and put them in a pan then add the vegetable oil and cook them by stirring.
Add the paste and continue to cook by stirring.
Then add the chopped parsley, salt, red pepper flakes and mix them well.
Finally add the mashed potatoes and mix then remove it from the stove and leave it to cool.

Divide the dough in 2 pieces.
Roll out the dough pieces lengthwise as a rectangular on a lightly flour plain surface by using a rolling pin.
Place the filling on the half of the rectangular.
Enclose the filling by covering the other half on the filling.
Then cut the dough in strips (lengthwise).
And again cut the strips in half.
Wrap the strips by turning and make spiral shapes with the wrapped strips.
Place the potato rolls in a lightly greased tray.
Before baking, leave them in the tray to rise for 15 minutes.
Then brush egg yolk on them and sprinkle some sesame seeds on them.

From: allrecipes.com