Research Reveals: Children Inherit Intelligence from Their Mother, Not Their Father

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A lot of fathers are going to hate this, but genetic research has found (people) probably get a log of intelligence from their X gene, the feminine one…The X chromosome has a thousand gene, and a bunch of them influence cognition. – Dr. Keith Witt
Until quite recently, it was generally accepted that both parents have a roughly equal influence on their child’s intelligence. However, it turns out – should this research be proven correct – that women have a much larger impact on their child’s cognitive abilities than men.

Now, it is important to understand that this research is quite controversial. Most studies claiming to uncover the enigmatic functioning of intelligence often evoke passionate debate. Relatedly, genetics is a highly-complex and multifaceted scientific arena. Studies are continuously being produced that seek to disavow, or seriously alter, any related study before it.

Regardless of the vigorous debate, it is beneficial to present (and interpret) these findings with an objective mind. If anything, this study is fascinatingly entertaining. Ultimately, this is our goal – to entertain. We hope that our readers find this study to be as intriguing as we have.

The Role of X and Y Chromosomes

Many people do not have much of a clue when it comes to genetics. As such, it’s beneficial to quickly go over a couple important facts. This will also make reading and understanding the remainder of this article much easier.

– A chromosome is a thread-like structure consisting of nucleic acids and protein. They carry genetic information.

– Every human being carries one pair of chromosomes in each cell.

– Females have two X chromosomes. Males have one X and one Y chromosome.

“Conditioned Genes”

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