Stop buying avocados. Here’s how you can grow an avocado tree in a small pot at home

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Once the avocado tree is planted, move it into a sunny area of your home. Water the tree generously and regularly, ensuring that the water remains moist but not saturated.

If the leaves begin to turn brown and dry, it is a clear sign that the plant isn’t getting enough water. To solve the issue put the pot in your sink, turn the tap on and allow the water to run through the soil for a few moments, ensuring that you drain any excess water before taking the plant out of the sink.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow and droop, you are over watering the plant. To rectify the situation, don’t water the plant for a few days and lower the amount of water you give it in future.

So get your gardening gloves at the ready…

How To Grow An Avocado Tree From Seed


Keep up regular and caring maintenance of your tree in order for it to flourish. You may well have to wait a couple of years before it first begins to bear fruit but when it does you’ll be enjoying your very own fresh and delicious avocados.

From: 77recipes