Women Need More Sleep Than Men Because Their Brains Work Harder, According To Science

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What makes woman’s brain more complex?

Unlike men, women are used to do multi-tasking, and expose their brains to more strenuous activities. This means that women’s brain needs more time to recover completely, and sleeping is the best way to achieve that.

What happens to Tired Men?

Professor Horne explained that man who do jobs that involve decision-making need more sleep than an average man, but still less than an average woman.

How to improve your sleep quality?

There are many ways to get a good night’s sleep. But, these tips may not work for each of you, because we are all different.

Routine sleep — Set a sleep routine, so the brain recognizes the need to slow down and relax. In this way you will sleep much better at night.

Avoid Stimulating Foods — Some foods act as stimulants, and you need to avoid these before you go to bed. This involves caffeine in coffee, theobromine in cacao or chocolate, and sugar. These stimulants affect your good night’s sleep, and often lead to insomnia.

Meditation — Women’s brain work non-stop, which is why many women have difficulty sleeping. Medication can be of great help, as it helps the brain settle and get in a state of deep relaxation.

Yoga — Yoga postures prepare the body for a good rest, which is why practicing yoga is often recommended to insomniacs. Try these 6 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep.

Melatonin — Experts agree that melatonin helps you sleep better. Doses of 1-3 mg of melatonin work best, preferably an hour before bedtime.

From: 77recipes.com