Doctors Have No Explanation: Mix Cinnamon And Honey And Cure Arthritis, Cancer, Gallbladder, Cholesterol And 10 Other Diseases

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The traditional Chinese medicine has used the combination of honey and cinnamon for thousands of years, and this mixture has a long tradition of use as a homemade medicine.

Honey is one of the healthiest foods on the planet, while cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to people.

The cinnamon essential oil and the enzyme found in honey which produces hydrogen peroxide, are the two most powerful anti-microbial components of this combination that prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria.

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This potent mixture offers numerous health benefits and is extremely helpful in the following cases:


To treat a chronic cough, common cold, and nasal congestion, you should take a tablespoon of honey with ΒΌ teaspoon cinnamon for three days.

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