Hawaiian Banana Nut Bread Recipe

Flip it!

You’ll want to make this INCREDIBLE Hawaiian Banana Nut Bread as soon as you can, but very ripe bananas are needed before you can even start. In fact, maybe just buy two bunches and freeze the second, because this bread won’t last long in any kitchen.

I discovered the recipe many years ago and tried several versions until this stood out as a clear winner. You won’t want to change one thing about the ingredients. If you don’t like nuts, you may omit the walnuts but nothing else, trust me. I tried adding more pineapple, less pineapple, no coconut, no cherries, and kept coming back to the perfect combination I’m sharing with you now…

Try this scrumptious tropical spin on banana bread for yourself, and I guarantee you’ll never go back to your original recipe. It’s best served warm with a bit of melted butter or softened cream cheese, but if there’s no time for dressing it up just dig in!

Not only is this bread pretty, it’s so full of flavor and moist texture, I’m warning you, it’ll be hard to eat “just a bite”. Also, it needs no adornment whatsoever but you could glaze the top or sprinkle some powdered sugar over it, but why?… This is divine just as you see it.

The recipe makes two nice size loaves, but you can also make one loaf and 12 muffins if you want the option of popping a few in a bag on-the-go. Perfect for gift giving; just be sure to include a copy of the recipe.


3 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt…

To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes,Please Open The Next Page.