This Braided Nutella Bread is a delicious and beautiful way to enjoy a sweet treat for breakfast, brunch, or dessert. It’s beautiful braid of Nutella and bread makes it’s a gorgeous addition to any meal.
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This bread is everywhere, and now it’s here too. In all the commercials for Nutella, they tell you it’s a healthy option at breakfast. This makes this bread ultra healthy, with the three layers of Nutella!
The bread is really fun to make and look awesome at a party. The Nutella bread reminds me of the cinnamon bread we had as children. At lunch time we’d go to the bakers shop and buy half a cinnamon bread to eat instead of the healthy lunch we brought from home. Well, fortunately it didn’t happen that often.
Via Flickr
I’ll think you could make the bread with a cinnamon remonce in stead of the nutella.
• 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
• Cornmeal
• 1 egg…
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