Grandma Maggio’s Spaghetti Sauce

Flip it!

This is one that was recited to me out of memory alone, and described as a hand of garlic, etc., though the ingredient quantities should be accurate. I encourage buying the cheapest versions of these ingredients you can find; it will feed an army for about $15 without ruining the taste. You should add more seasonings based on preference. A great vegetarian sauce, and with meatballs…it makes great meatball sandwiches.

mmmmm! this was delicious! I wanted to make spaghetti for dinner but I didn’t want to use our same old sauce. This was fantastic. I will definitly make it again soon The only reason that it isn’t 5 stars, is because i didn’t use the same proportions. I added about three cups of mushrooms (which was actually a little less than I wanted). I think I probably used about half a cup maybe less, and I think more might have been too much. But other than that: AWESOME. Thank you grandma Maggio for this great recipe.

Oh my goodness, this was FABULOUS! I unfortunately did not have the merlot (I had Lambrusco) nor did I have the amount of mushrooms (I only had 4oz canned) nor the amount of basil (my bush only had enough for 1/4 cup). Regardless of these 3 items, the other items required I did have on hand. Since I have cooked my own version of a sauce with the higher amounts of these items, I know how much BETTER this recipe would have been. I will make it again exactly as calls for, unless I prefer a lesser sweetness, but I found it quite enjoyable and a nice change form the standard type flavors. THIS SAUCE ROCKS!! Try it exactly as written, so you can get a great idea of the taste. Much thanks and appreciation for this wonderful keeper (at least in my family’s cookbook) of a recipe. EDIT 09/11/2011 – To really make it special try adding the meatballs from ‘lovestohost’ – “Meatball Nirvana”. Yowsa.


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 whole head garlic, peeled and chopped
To Find Out All The Yummy Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow for this Delicious recipes,Go to the next page.