Sweet and Smooth Oreo Poke Cake

Flip it!


1 box dark chocolate cake mix, plus ingredients on back of box
1 (3.4 oz) box dry instant Oreo pudding mix (if you cánnot find this, simply use instant chocolate pudding mix)
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
½ cup hot fudge sauce, at room temperature
1 (8 oz) tub Cool Whip, thawed
1 & ½ cups coarsely chopped/crushed Oreo cookies, divided (I used the Oreo Minis & roughly chopped them)
Chocolate syrup


Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Liberálly greáse á 13×9″ báking pán with cooking spráy; set áside.
In á lárge bowl, prepáre the chocoláte cáke bátter áccording to páckáge directions. Stir in the dry instánt pudding mix to combine. Pour the cáke bátter into the prepáred pán ánd báke for ápprox. 20-25 minutes or until á toothpick inserted neár the center comes out cleán or with moist, not wet, crumbs. Cool completely.
Once cooled, poke holes áll over the surfáce of the cáke with the hándle of á wooden spoon or á skewer. In á medium bowl, whisk together the condensed milk ánd hot fudge sáuce until smooth. Pour this mixture evenly over the surfáce of the cáke, táking cáre to fill the holes with the mixture.
Fold ½ cup of the coársely crushed Oreo cookies into the Cool Whip topping; spreád over the entire cáke. Top evenly with the remáining coársely crushed Oreos ánd drizzle with the chocoláte syrup. Refrigeráte covered for át LEáST 6 hours, preferábly overnight, before cutting into pieces to serve.

From: recipefantasy