Tomato Vivipary: Learn About Seeds Germinating In A Tomato

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Tomato Vivipary

This occurrence is known as “vivipary,” a condition where seeds inside a fruit begin to germinate while still attached to the parent plant.

Understanding Vivipary

Vivipary happens when seeds within a fruit prematurely start to sprout due to specific conditions. Normally, seeds remain dormant until they are in the right environment—usually soil with moisture, warmth, and light. However, certain conditions can cause seeds to break dormancy early and start growing while still inside the fruit.

Causes of Vivipary

There are a few potential triggers for vivipary:

  1. Overripe Fruit: As fruits over-ripen, hormone levels that usually prevent seed germination decrease, allowing the seeds to sprout.
  2. High Humidity: If the fruit is stored in a very humid environment, this can create conditions favorable for seeds to germinate.
  3. Genetic Factors: Some varieties of fruits are more prone to vivipary due to their genetic makeup.
  4. Nutrient Imbalance: An excess of certain nutrients, like nitrogen, can encourage vivipary in fruits.

Expert Opinions on Vivipary

Experts in botany and plant science note that while vivipary is unusual, it is not harmful or dangerous. The sprouting seeds may still be viable, and in some cases, the fruit can still be eaten if the taste and texture are unaffected. However, the presence of sprouting seeds may indicate that the fruit is overripe, and its quality may have declined.

According to horticultural experts, the best way to prevent vivipary is to store fruits properly, keeping them at the right temperature and consuming them before they become overripe. If vivipary occurs, the fruit can still be used, though the sprouts may be removed if they affect the flavor or texture.

Is Vivipary Safe?

Vivipary is generally safe, but the appearance of sprouting seeds can make the fruit less appealing to eat. The sprouts themselves are not harmful and are essentially tiny plants. Some people even choose to plant the sprouted seeds, though they may not always grow into a healthy plant depending on the species and conditions.


Vivipary is an interesting and rare natural phenomenon that highlights the incredible resilience of seeds and plants. While it might look strange, it is generally harmless and a reminder of the unexpected ways nature operates. If you encounter vivipary in your fruits, you can either use the fruit as normal, plant the sprouted seeds, or compost it.


  • Consult with horticultural experts for personalized advice on plant care and storage.
  • Investigate specific fruit varieties prone to vivipary for more targeted storage solutions.