7 Alternative Uses for Sponges You’ve Never Tried Before

Flip it!

There’s nothing we love more here at TipHero than finding alternative uses for affordable things we already have around our homes anyway. After all, who wants to run to the store for some pricey gadget when we can check under our kitchen or bathroom sinks?

That’s where our multipurpose tool is hiding today. That’s right, friends— we’re talking about the humble sponge. Turns out, there are tons of unexpected ways to use them. How do we know? Thanks to our favorite experimenter, the Crazy Russian Hacker.

Some of them might be familiar to you. Some of them might seem totally crazy. But we guarantee, at least one of them will make you slap your forehead and say, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Let’s take a look at two of our favorite ideas from his video.

Protect your walls:

Need to pull a tiny nail out of your wall but hesitating because you know the claw of the hammer is going to scratch up your paint? Use a sponge to protect it!

All you need to do is place a sponge beneath the nail before you pull it out. Then just pull the nail out as normal, bracing the hammer claw on the sponge. The nail will come out easily, and your wall will be spared. Wonderful!

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