These nine things happen to your body when you eat two eggs a day.

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“Don’t eat eggs every day. It’ll raise your cholesterol!”

Those of you who love eating eggs have probably heard this too many times to remember. Eggs are also seen as a no-go if you want to lose weight. However, a number of studies have shown that there’s actually no reason to give up your breakfast boiled egg or favorite omelet. Indeed, eating two or three eggs a day can work wonders for your health. Hard to believe, right?

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Take a look at these nine facts and never feel bad about eating eggs again:

1. You’re lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A hen’s egg contains 400 mg of cholesterol – quite a high amount. High cholesterol levels greatly increase the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases. Contrary to popular opinion, however, eggs don’t increase cholesterol levels. This is because your body slows down its own cholesterol production when large amounts of cholesterol are consumed. It’s also important to know that only a third of the cholesterol deposited in our blood vessels comes from the food we eat. Most of it is actually produced by the body itself.

This has been demonstrated in a study by the Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For the experiment, 152 overweight subjects were split up into three groups. Those in the first group could eat anything they wanted for breakfast, subjects in the second group were served two eggs, and subjects in the third group ate bagels every morning. The results left scientists astounded: in addition to losing 65% more weight and 35% more belly fat than those in the bagel group, the egg-eaters saw no change to their cholesterol levels.

The high number of omega-3 fatty acids found in eggs also lowers triglyceride levels in your blood. As higher triglyceride values increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, consuming eggs can also decrease the likelihood of suffering from these diseases.

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