How to Remove Skin Tags and Warts with Hydrogen Peroxide

Flip it!

Do this 3 to 5 times per day for a week or two.

At first, the skin surrounding the wart or skin tag may become whitish in appearance. This is normal and means the remedy is working. Keep persisting with treatment until the wart blackens and forms into a scab, which will eventually fall off.

You may see this happen after only a few days, or it may take longer to disappear, as Plantar warts are deeper and often require longer treatment.

If this doesn’t help, you can try apple cider vinegar (ACV) to remove skin tags and warts ,or you can also get other ideas in my ultimate guide for hand wart removal.

Hydrogen Peroxide – Precautions

– Don’t use hydrogen peroxide to remove skin tags around the eyelids, as it can harm the eyes.
– Note that hydrogen peroxide 35% is very strong, so if the wart is in a sensitive area, you should dilute with water or as a precaution don’t use this technique at all.
– Apply only to the direct area which is affected, avoiding surrounding skin as much as possible.

From: 77recipes