Remove Paint from Carpet

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Remove Paint from Carpet

How to Remove Dried Paint from Carpet with Soapy Water

The simplest way to remove dried paint from carpet is to use soapy water. The combination of hot water and dishwashing detergent makes a homemade carpet glue solvent or helps to loosen the paint from the carpet fibers.

To get grease out of carpet or eliminate paint stains, make a soapy solution by pouring hot water and a few squirts of dish soap into a bottle and gently mixing it.

Spray the liquid on a sponge or directly onto the affected area, and then use a blotting motion to clean the paint from the fibers.

This action is essential to avoid spreading the stain. Rinse the sponge with fresh water and repeat the process until the paint is gone. Dry the carpeting with a clean towel or allow it to air dry.

Try this simple remedy to eliminate slime in carpet, too. You may be surprised at how effective it is.

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