Try These 15 Stretches To Relieve A Stiff Neck, Tight Shoulders And Upper Back Pain!

Flip it!

2. Cow-Face Pose

This exercise will open up tight shoulders and allow you to get complete muscle release.

Start on all fours. Cross the right knee over the left, and make sure to stack one on top of the other. Sit down between your legs, making sure your buttocks are on the ground. If your hips are too tight, rest on a block or blanket.

Breathe in, and reach your right arm out to the side. Rotate the arm inward so the thumb will face the floor. Exhale the arm behind the back.

Bend your elbow and move your hand up in a direction to the neck. Roll the right shoulder back and down. Breathe in and reach the left arm forward, palm facing up. Draw your arm towards the ceiling.

Breathe out and bend your elbow. You should reach to grasp the finger of your opposite hand. If your fingers do not clasp, use a strap or towel. Hold for 20-30 seconds then repeat the same procedure on the other side. Perform 3 repetitions for each arm.

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